Scholarships & Bursaries
A number of Scholarships (Academic, Art, Music, Drama and Sport) are awarded each year at Year 7, Year 9 and Lower Sixth entry. From 2019, we are also awarding our new 100% Centenary Scholarships which offer fully-funded places for up to 3 pupils joining Year 12.
Scholarships are based on the assessment of a pupil’s potential and the value that we believe they will add to the life of our school. We also award the Rendcomb Scholarship and the 100% Noel Wills Scholarship to a pupil joining Year 7.
For international pupils, please visit the International pages for more details.
For us to allocate our bursaries in the fairest way possible, we ask that bursary applications be submitted by October of the year preceding entry. For details on the dates please visit our admissions page. Any later submissions may not be considered. Please contact the admissions team if you are interested in a means-tested bursary application.
Bursaries can be applied for at the registration stage. Your details will be passed to the Bursar who will provide you with a personal link to our bursary application form. For more details on bursaries, please contact the admissions team on 01285 832306
All awards are reassessed annually and are subject to satisfactory academic progress and behaviour. All cases are judged on their own merits and applicants should submit any additional evidence, as required, along with their Scholarship application form no later than the published date. Visit the admissions page for further details.
The number of individual Scholarships awarded each year depends solely on the calibre of the candidates. There is no limit to the number of Scholarships the school awards; Rendcomb College looks for a level of excellence in order to award a Scholarship.
All candidates who apply to attend Rendcomb College Senior School at Year 7 and 9 are entitled to apply for one or two Scholarships; candidates who apply to attend Rendcomb College Senior School at Year 12 are entitled to apply for one Scholarship only.
Scholarships are applied for during the preceding school year to the Scholarships coming into effect. For details on applications and timings, please contact the Admissions Team for further information on: 01285 832306 or email:
Download the Scholarship Application Form and other key admissions forms here:
Information On Scholarships
Please expand the following for further detail on our scholarships.
Academic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In order to obtain an Academic Scholarship, candidates should demonstrate a high level of academic skill in the classroom, have a good awareness of the world around them and will have an academic curiosity and general knowledge. The Academic Scholarship at Year 7 and Year 9 is assessed through a written paper consisting of three sections: English, Mathematics and a General Question. Candidates at Lower Sixth are required to sit a General Question paper and two additional subject papers from the following: Mathematics, Computing, Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Physics, History, Geography, French and Spanish. All of the papers are designed to allow us to select pupils with the qualities required for Scholarship: the ability to solve problems, think through issues and use knowledge in unfamiliar situations. The papers give a level playing field to internal and external candidates who may have studied very different curricula and had different levels of experience. In addition to the written test, all candidates have an interview with the Head of College. This gives the opportunity for the candidate to talk about their interests and passions. We would, where possible, encourage candidates to practise talking at home about their hobbies and current affairs, so that they can talk as freely as possible during the interviews. All candidates for Year 7 must provide a reference from their Headteacher. At Year 9 and Lower Sixth, only external candidates must provide a reference from their Headteacher. All references must be supplied at the point of application. |
Art | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pupils enjoy opportunities such as meeting professional artists and taking inspiring trips to experience Art first-hand. We have all the equipment necessary to provide pupils with a rich and varied course and the college grounds and large studio space provide a wonderful environment for painting, printing, ceramics, photography and design and technology. What is expected of an art scholar?
Key skills/attitudes we are looking for:
How do I prepare for the day?Candidates should submit a reference from their current Art teacher or relevant tutor upon application and provide a portfolio of work 1 week before the assessment date. The portfolio should show the candidates' work created independently of their educational commitments. The work should also demonstrate potential and wide interest in the subject. This can include photographs of work completed (if delicate or fragile). Portfolios should only contain current and recent work from the past 2 years. Annotations by the candidate to support their work is particularly useful and can provide the basis of discussion. It’s beneficial to the candidate if art is arranged in chronological order to ascertain how the candidate has progressed. On the Scholarship assessment day, candidates will be asked to produce an observation drawing under examination conditions for which no preparation is necessary, and all equipment will be provided. They will also have the opportunity to discuss their portfolio with the Head of Art in an informal interview. |
Drama | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rendcomb College’s Drama Department is located in the Griffin Theatre, which features a 350 seat auditorium, Drama classroom, Dance studio with sprung floor and additional prop, set and costume stores. Drama Scholars are expected to develop skills in stagecraft both on stage as performers and off stage as stage managers, lighting technicians or props and costume managers. Hands-on training is given in all theatrical skills. Drama Scholarships are awarded to those who display significant talent and promise for the future. What is expected of drama scholar?
How do I prepare for the day?
Candidates should demonstrate:
Music | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Music Department at Rendcomb College is a vibrant and thriving place. We offer Music Scholarships to help nurture talent, reward excellence and recognise musical potential. Music Scholars are expected to act as ambassadors for the department. They are expected to practise instruments regularly and make consistent improvement. They must make themselves available for rehearsals and concerts as required by the Director of Music and continue to develop their musical abilities. They should study Music at GCSE and possibly Music at A Level. All candidates must provide a minimum of 2 references from their current Music/instrument teacher(s) upon application. Candidates should forward a copy of any music to be performed along with the piano accompaniment scores to Rendcomb College no later than 1 week before their audition. Lower Sixth Form Music Scholarship, The Dutton Sixth Form Music ScholarshipThe Dutton Sixth Form Music Scholarship is awarded to one student per year and applicants are assessed on their performing skills, composition ability and theoretical knowledge. Musicians interested in developing their composition or improvisation skills are encouraged to apply; applicants will be assessed as much on their creativity and musical potential as on their current grade level. Successful candidates will demonstrate:
As a guide:
How do I prepare for the day?During the audition assessment, warm up time and an accompanist will be provided. Sight-reading, aural awareness and music theory skills will be tested and the audition element will end with an unprepared discussion. Year 7Audition: Perform two contrasting pieces on first instrument and one piece on a second instrument/voice. Year 9Audition: Perform two contrasting pieces on first instrument and one piece on a second instrument/voice. Lower SixthAudition: Perform two contrasting pieces on first instrument and one piece on a second instrument/voice. |
Sport | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Sports Department provides high quality coaching to pupils and arranges competitive and enjoyable fixtures throughout the academic year. We place paramount importance on fostering our reputation for playing any sport in a manner that is true to its spirit. Pupils can learn a great deal about leadership, teamwork, team building, personal fitness and health through their involvement in the sports programme. It can also develop within them a sense of fair play and the ability to cope with success and failure in a competitive environment. Sport Scholarships are awarded to candidates who demonstrate outstanding sporting ability, potential, determination and enthusiasm. Successful candidates should be of County standard in at least one sport, or have the potential to reach County level or above. Scholarship holders will respond well to guidance, work well in a team and demonstrate good leadership skills whether by example or captaincy. Candidates will be expected to contribute to team sports in at least two of the College’s major sports of the season:
Year 7 and Year 9 AssessmentsThe scholarship assessment includes:
All candidates must supply at least 2 references from their current Sports teacher or coach(es) at the time of application. Candidates at Year 7 and Year 9 could support their references and application with a sporting portfolio. This might include copies of certificates, photographs and information about events in which the candidate has taken part. This is not an essential element of the Scholarship, however it may serve to help discussion and provide information about the candidate’s skills and interests. Lower Sixth AssessmentsCandidates at Lower Sixth will be assessed through a 20 minute interview with the Director of Sport alongside a practical assessment. The candidates will be expected to participate in an hour long session that will show general sporting ability as well as fitness levels. This will not be sport specific. Candidates must present an up-to-date sporting portfolio to be submitted at least 1 week in advance of the assessment date. The portfolio is to include photocopies of certificates, photographs and information about events and achievements in which the candidate has taken part. All candidates must supply at least 2 references from their current Sports teacher or coach(es) at the time of application. What is expected from a scholarship holder?Sport Scholars will be expected to be excellent ambassadors and to demonstrate a willingness to contribute fully to the sporting and general life of the school. At Year 7 and Year 9, Scholars will represent the school in all three major sports on an annual basis. At Lower Sixth, Scholars will represent the school in two major sports including after finishing public examinations. Scholars are expected to train and play with teams during periods of study leave or when no matches are scheduled. |
100% Noel Wills Scholarship - For Year 7 Entry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available only at Year 7 for pupils who attend a Gloucestershire State Primary SchoolThe Head of College can award one 100% Scholarship each year to the candidate who achieves highly in their Year 7 Entrance Assessment. This Scholarship is only available to candidates from Gloucestershire State Primary Schools for whom financial circumstances would otherwise make an independent education unaffordable. The Scholarship is in keeping with the Founder’s original educational vision and both the Head of College and the Chair of Trustees, Henry C W Robinson DL, shall monitor the progress of Rendcomb’s Noel Wills Scholars throughout their time at the College. Candidates are not required to sit a Scholarship assessment for the Noel Wills Scholarship but are required to attend the Year 7 Entrance Day. All candidates have an interview with the Head of College; this gives the opportunity for the candidate to talk about their interests and passions. We would, where possible, encourage candidates to practise talking at home about their hobbies and current affairs, so that they can talk as freely as possible during the interviews. Candidates should notify the Admissions Team if they wish to be considered for the Noel Wills Scholarship and all applicants will be required to submit financial information to be assessed by our Bursary service. Additional items such as uniform, trips and transport will not be covered by the Scholarship. |
The Rendcomb Scholarship - For Year 7 Entry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available only at Year 7 for pupils at Rendcomb College Junior SchoolThe Head of College will be looking for candidates to display a range of skills and abilities but also to demonstrate other skills such as leadership, teamwork, ability to work with younger children and a desire to be of service in the school. Candidates will have shown evidence of this type of service during their time at Rendcomb College Junior School. The award will usually carry a value of up to 15% of the school fees. We advise that discussions should take place with the Head of Juniors before an application is made for this Scholarship. How do I prepare for the day?
100% Year 12 Centenary Scholarships | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available for entry into Year 12 in September 2025Up to 3 100% Scholarship places will be awarded to pupils who are anticipated to achieve at least 56 points from 8 GCSEs or equivalent qualifications based on the following table:
Applicants must take part in our Year 12 Academic Scholarship process as detailed in the 'Academic Scholarship' section of this page. A minimum of 5 must be predicted for English Language and for Maths even if these do not form part of the top 8 predictions. Places offered will be on a day pupil basis; however, pupils looking for a boarding place could still be awarded the Scholarship and choose to pay the boarding differential. The Scholarships are open to UK residents only. Though not a prerequisite of application, preference will be given to candidates who fulfil the following:
100% Year 4 Centenary Scholarships | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Available for 2025 entry for Year 4Up to two 100% Scholarships will be available for pupils of exceptional academic ability who are looking to enter Year 4. This award will only continue for the duration of a pupil’s time in the Junior School. Scholars will be eligible to apply for any Senior School Scholarship and/or bursary support. In addition, having attended the Junior School from Year 4, Scholars would receive an automatic 10% discount on Senior School fees. Pupils wishing to apply for a Centenary Scholarship will be required to sit an assessment for which no preparation is required. Places will be offered on the basis of the assessment and a meeting with the Head of Juniors. Though not a prerequisite of application, preference will be given to candidates who fulfil the following:
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